Tag Archives: bottom billion

Meeting Paul Collier: Champion of the Billion

I got to meet the famous economist Paul Collier after the Afronomics conference in London.

The Oxford economist is hugely inspiring and influential. He is the author of The Bottom Billion (read a review from the FT). He should be listened to by policy makers who can put his ideas into practice…

Also speaking was The Rev Nicta Lubaale, General Secretary of the Kenya-based Organisation of African Instituted Churches. He gave an amazing talk, speaking of the need and desire of Africans to help themselves. Brilliant.

Read the article I wrote for the Christian Today. September 24, 2009

Discussing a new model of economics and development for Africa, Collier explained how despite its history Africa has the potential and power to shape its own destiny.

Joel Edwards, Director of Micah Challenge International, chaired the summit.

He spoke of the “discontinuity between perceptions about Africa” and said it was important to understand “what the correct Christian response should be to the pain and potential of Africa”.

Founded in 2006 with the simple motto ‘We believe in Africa’, the ADF aims to encourage Britain’s African and Caribbean Christian Community to become more actively involved in the issue of poverty in Africa by focussing on economic justice, climate change and HIV/Aids.

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